
Multi-Cloud's Impact on FinOps

Opportunities, Challenges & Advice for Practitioners on a Multi-Cloud Journey

We know that senior leaders favour a multi-cloud approach, not just to avoid vendor lock-in but also to have the freedom to choose the best technical platform that matches their needs.

According to the RightScale State of the Cloud Report, you can see the already clear intention to move towards a multi-cloud strategy.

If we fast forward to what we have from the 2022 State of FinOps survey results, we see an increase in the all-in or born-in Public Cloud approaches. We also note those plus the Public cloud-first/use combine to almost 100% which wasn’t that well represented previously. Lastly, the huge lion's share of these results shows that a cloud-first, but still hybrid strategy moved from 21% to mid 40% demonstrating the rapid growth towards this strategy.

In this FinOpsX talk, I explore how the increased adoption of multi-cloud strategies creates complexities and opportunities for finance, engineering, and FinOps teams. See the outline of this FinOpsX breakout session below for more details!

  • Why do organisations choose a multi-cloud strategy?
    • Real World Scenarios 
  • How to embrace a multi-cloud strategy?
  • Multi-cloud shortcomings
  • Measures of and examples of implementing a successful multi-cloud strategy throughout the FinOps Lifecycle
    • Crawl Phase
    • Walk phase
    • Run phase
  • FinOps Team Activities
  • Advice for FinOps practitioners
    • Example deliverables from multi-cloud strategies

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