Finops Foundation's 2022 'Most Impactful Instructor'

RealOps is excited to announce that one of our trainers is the recipient of the first ever 'Most Impactful Instructor' award at FinopsX 2022.

RealOps is excited to announce that one of our trainers has been the recipient of the first ever 'Most Impactful Instructor' award at FinopsX 2022, check out our award winner Idaliz's account of her FinopsX experience:

I had the pleasure of being accepted to have a breakout session speech at the FinOpsX Conference. I chose the topic of "The Impact of Multi-Cloud on FinOps". Monday 20th of June came rolling around and I nervously spent the entirety of lunch up in my hotel room practising to myself. I had run through my talk maybe 30 times already, but was still nervous to be speaking in person for the first time in over 2 years. It was a combination of adrenaline and nerves that overcame me as I put my microphone on. The camera started rolling and the nerves receded. I had a warm and accepting audience who nodded along as I went through my slides. It felt like second hand nature to be back up at a podium speaking and teaching to the best of my ability. I finished my 25 minute talk with 5 minutes of Q&A and to my delight there were smiling faces in the audience. All I could have asked for was achieved.

By the end of day one I was absolutely exhausted. There was a small post day one gathering with food, drinks, and music at a speakeasy nearby the conference hotel. I honestly contemplated not going because I knew that my day two was going to consist of an entire day facilitating the FinOps Certified Practitioner course to a room of about 25 students. However, I was convinced to at least attend for the first hour or two. To my absolute bewilderment there was an award ceremony where the first award was called and my name was announced. I had won the most Impactful Instructor of 2022 award! Quick shout out to Ben de Mora who had the best poker face by getting me to stay for the award ceremony. I will never forget the shock of being called onto the stage. I carefully ensured that I did not fall when I stepped onto the stage to accept my award. I distinctly remember hearing someone say "speech" and I immediately responded with "no". Cameras were taking photos as I smiled, held the heavy glass award, and proceeded to step back off the stage. I think my smile did not subside for another three hours, lasting until I tucked myself into bed that night.

I immensely enjoyed the all day FinOps Certified Practitioner training the following day. It was an energetic classroom and the first time I had facilitated the training in person. It was also two days worth of material jam packed into a single, long day. All in all I think it is safe to say that the FinOpsX Conference was a complete success. I had insightful conversations will all sorts of practitioners and enjoyed my time in Austin. I am grateful and appreciative of being honoured with this Impactful Instructor award and look forward to continue to uphold the spirit of the accolade.

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